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Dr Mani Chandran, Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr Chandran is a Consultant Anesthetist at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. He completed his specialist training in the West of Scotland School of Anaesthesia.
Dr Chandran has considerable experience in anaesthesia for patients undergoing joint replacements, orthopaedic trauma surgery and complex sarcoma surgery. His special interests are regional anaesthesia for upper and lower limb surgery, enhanced recovery for joint arthroplasty, anaesthesia for major orthopaedic oncology and perioperative care for high-risk patients.
Dr Rajesh Botchu, Consultant Radiologist
Dr Rajesh Botchu is a Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologist at Royal Orthopedic Hospital, Birmingham, UK. He did his radiology training from Leicester and subspeciality musculoskeletal training from ROH, Birmingham, NOC, Oxford and CIM, Geneva, Switzerland. He was the clinician of the year in 2020. He regularly lectures at regional, national and international meetings. He has a strong research portfolio with over 250 publications, 35 chapters and co-editor of book -Imaging of the knee -2023 (Springer). Several signs are named after him including Aamer-botchu sign, Iyengar-Botchu confluence, Haleem-Botchu classification. He is the deputy editor of Clinical Radiology Journal ( RCR journal) He is member for several musculoskeletal radiology societies. He is cofounder of free teaching MSK Radiology4U app and website. He is honorary professor at GIMSR, Vizag, India and AHERF.
Dr Zehrin Nassa, Consultant Aneasthetist
Mrs Luan Suckling, Private Medical Secretary - telephone 07515 113915 for enquiries and an appointment